Dear pilot of the plane I'm flying on right now,
I do not approve of your decision to divert the flight and land in Salt Lake City. You say there are dangerous thunderstorms ahead that you can see on your "weather radar", but I can't see any storms out of my window, and I don't trust technology. Invisible waves that can see things in the sky from miles away? If you ask me, it's a hoax.
I took a poll and most of the passengers agree with me. We've decided that Mr. Jenkins, a real estate developer sitting in first class, will take over the plane. His extensive business experience is just what we need to get this bird back on course. Joining him as co-pilot will be Joe from seat 34A, who has seen dozens of aviation videos on YouTube.
Working together, these fresh new leaders will get us safely to Honolulu where we'll all enjoy a tropical vacation paradise for the next four years. You have ten minutes to gather your things and vacate the cockpit.